Grandpa Box Write-Up
Author: Luke DuCharme (@_nTr0py)
Date Completed: 04 January 2019
Difficulty: Easy
OS: Windows
Enumberation Using Nmap:
See Lame write up for description of flags.
- Port 80 is open, and a service enumeration indicates Microsoft IIS httpd 6.0 is running on that port.
- A search in the exploit database shows a few suitable exploits for IIS 6.0.
- After a series of trial and error, the iis_webdav_scstoragepathfromurl is the best candidate.
- After setting the remote host to the target as well as changing the default local port for the TCP handler (opsec purposes), the exploit is ready to be run.
SA and Privelege Escalation (Privesc)
- The exploit is successful and a Meterpreter session is spawned. After doing some situational awareness (SA), it’s apparent the session is at the user level. Thus, a privesc exploit is required.
- To determine which one to use, Meterpreter has a script called local_exploit_suggester.
- Before running the script, the Meterpreter session needs to be migrated to a more stable session at the current privelege level. From the process list in the SA, davcdata.exe (PID 2332) seems to be the best option.
- After a successful migration and running local_exploit_suggester, there are a few possible options, and after trying them, ms14_070_tcpip_ioctl is the best option.
- After backgrounding the session and setting the exploit options, the exploit is successful, and the session’s priveleges have been escalated to SYSTEM (woooot woooot 🥳🥳🥳)
- Datamine for the user and administrator flags. (Desktops are normally a good place to look on windows…)